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October 14th, 9 am Pacific Time

We have all heard about the difficulties 

in a narcissistic intimate partner relationship;
and the
trauma the victims face. 

To heal, most experts recommend "No Contact"


But what if your narcissist is not your partner?

But instead, your boss

Or your colleague?  

Or a friend or family member that you cannot walk away from? 

How is a person to heal when "No Contact"

is not an option?


Dr. Tracy Kemble

Narcissistic Abuse expert and survivor Dr. Tracy has over 30 years' experience in narcissistic abuse recovery.  Creator of the renowned "Reclaiming Me" program, and author of the book "Narctionary" (the Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Dictionary), Dr. Tracy is bringing a well needed workshop for those "stuck" with a narcissist. 

So you think your Boss is a Narcissist.”
(When No Contact is Not an Option)  

In this one time, 90 minute live workshop,
you will learn: 

Is this for me?

We earn a paycheck

to produce results for a company,

not survive the

emotional sabotage of a narcissist.

Peace is one of our birthrights,

not only in our homes, but also in the workforce.  

So, if you are in a narcissistic abusive relationship

where "No Contact" is not an option.

join us for

"So You Think Your Boss is a Narcissist."

It is guaranteed to be the best business advice you might ever receive.

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What People Say

discover the divine conference

Denise H

This program literally SAVED my life because the craziness and pain finally had a name.

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Sharon S

After 31 years of being confused and lost, I finally found validation that I am not crazy.

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Candice S

The tools taught in this program empowered me to find my voice

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